12 Apr Public Journal :: 011 • Love Over Knowledge
"Let my expressions of love always surpass my pursuit of knowledge."...
"Let my expressions of love always surpass my pursuit of knowledge."...
I’m currently revisiting a series of talks released a year ago by Andy Stanley entitled “Your Integrity, Our World”. I’m a big fan of content about personal character development. Character development is of paramount importance because it impacts every area of our lives. However, as is true of many aspects of our culture, the importance...
Each week, I review all ten of my BE Words (my core values) and choose one to focus on practicing. Usually I cycle through my list of words in order. The past two weeks were different. I’m finding myself camping out on the word Discipline. Week one I improved my discipline in the practice of tracking...
Maybe the most difficult responsibility each of us must navigate is that of clearly defining our definition of what is most important. Of equal importance (and perhaps equal difficulty) is the task of guarding that priority in a world that has a vested interest in making us forget it. This dilemma is why one of my...
My book club is one of the most rejuvenating and inspiring relational environments my life. This group of encouraging and thoughtful individuals meets on a weekly basis to discuss the ideas and application we draw out of the literature we decide to read. The club agreed to act as my beta reader group for my upcoming...
“If you listen, instead, without premature judgment, people will generally tell you everything they are thinking—and with very little deceit. People will tell you the most amazing, absurd, interesting things. Very few of your conversations will be boring.” - Jordan Peterson Here’s the best podcast you’ll ever experience. Ready? It’s called...
The creative process isn’t complete until you deal with your expectations. The Four-Fold Way, which I believe originated with Angeles Arrien’s book of the same name, has proven to be a great framework for me in understanding the creative process. It goes like this...
I just released a cover of The Winans’ song “Count It All Joy” on IG with my brothers IAmSon & Tarron Crayton. God, I’m grateful for an endless stream of ideas and concepts. I’m also incredibly grateful that You’ve allowed me to connect with such talented and creatively aware individuals that are willing to collaborate...
For the past few years, I’ve felt compelled to choose what I’ve been calling my “Word of the Year”. This word usually starts to stand out to me towards the end of a year and becomes the word of focus for the following year. Honing in on one word gives me the opportunity to really...
Let me start with this simple premise: Most people aren’t exceptional. If the opposite were the case, it would render the word ‘exceptional’ meaningless. If everyone were exceptional, then no one would be exceptional. Premise #2: More people think they are exceptional than truly are. Everyone wants to think they are unique. People love to believe...